Motorola MB300 Backflip/Enzo

 Motorola MB300 Backflip/Enzo

Nos hemos encontrado con una nueva devisa, el Motorola MB300 Backflip/Enzo.
Se trata de un handset plegable con MOTOBLUR, teclado QWERTY y cámara de 5 MP.
Un hack ha puesto la tecnología Multi-touch en este DROID.


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1 comentario en “Motorola MB300 Backflip/Enzo”

  1. The MB300 has more than the i phone,the Qwerty key pad is awesome for big finger folks.The flash option is great,
    careful when you use it in a Bar,draws attention.The BackFlip rear touch pad is a plus.allows you to view the whole screen while navigating,no obstructed view.

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